a green icon with an i in it



Nervous about your first massage experience? Don’t sweat it! Here is a detailed guide explaining exactly how it goes. What you see is what you get at KA Massage!

Arrive 5-10 minutes early and be greeted by either by Kevin or Klein chiropractics’ Brenda, where we will have you fill out a few sheets of paperwork including a policy statement and a client medical and massage history sheet.

After you fill out the paperwork, Kevin will lead you back into the massage space where he will conduct a pre-massage interview to see what the focus or intention of the massage will be.

From there Kevin will leave the room after giving an overview of how the massage will go. He will instruct the patient to start face up or face down on the table. Then leave the room for the client to get undressed to their comfort level and get under the sheets

After a few minutes, Kevin will knock on the door and ask if you are ready for the therapist to enter the room.

Once in the room, Kevin will turn off the main lights, leaving only the ambient lights on to encourage relaxation.

He will then go ahead and place a bolster under the client’s feet or knees for added comfort and support.

From that point, the massage will start and Kevin at each section of the massage will compress the area over the sheets, then using modest sheet draping techniques, will expose the target area being massaged.

Kevin is a skilled massage therapist and can customize the pressure and tempo to match your massage needs!

After all target areas have been worked on, Kevin will say the massage session is over and to prepare for the lights to be turned back on.

Kevin will then leave the room and ask that you open the door when you are ready.

Finally, this is where Kevin will accept payment for the massage.

*Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated and will prompt termination to your session.